Ready to Set Sail

May 29, 2010 § 5 Comments

Classic shoe in classic navy

I know I’ve been absent from Pair Diem for several days, but I’m back. Really.

Now, a warm, albeit belated, welcome to my new Sperry’s. After debating what particular color would suit me best (and taking into account your votes and input, of course) this pair are now anchored to my feet. I was a little torn between the navy and the metallic gold pair, but seeing as how I’m a navy addict these are no real surprise. The classic color and subtle metallic trim are the perfect accent to the shorts, skirts and dresses I’m into for daily summer wear. In fact, within the first week I had to make a conscious effort not to wear them every day; with the selection of shoes I have, that’s a rarity. Just like my beloved Hunters, they’ll keep me as cute as I am dry and slip-free on the dock or wading through puddles. If you’re new to boat shoes, know that they require showing some leg (at least a good bit of ankle), so if you’re going with pants, roll those chinos and denim, ladies.


[prov-uh-nuhns, -nahns] –noun; place or source of origin.

Date of Purchase: Spring 2010

Circumstances: A post-work outing with F.E. Castleberry. We decided make newly opened Sperry store our first stop so I could try out a few pairs. I first admired all the styles available for the gents; they really do get the better deal at Sperry. They get tri-color and canvas, we get neon patent…completely unfair. In any case, I had narrowed my search to the navy or metallic pair and I dutifully tried both. As I walked the circumference of the store contemplating my decision, I asked F.E. what he thought. “I think you’ll likely end up owning both but I like the navy; they’re a good starter pair,” he said. I laughed because I had not thought of them as a starter to anything, but then again, he owns a wide variety of boat shoes and knows my affinity towards footwear. I agreed the navy suited me best… that is, until I get my next pair.

Compliment Meter: 4. Several compliments, 3 alone in the first half hour of work. Shoe confidence level: High.

Comfort: Completely comfortable. Cushion-y goodness. A 10 out of 10.

Worn with: White v-neck tissue T, yellow cardigan fro Rugby, dark skinny cuffed denim from Martin + Osa.

Thoughts: “When you have worn out your shoes, the strength of the shoe leather has passed into the fiber of your body. I measure your health by the number of shoes and hats and clothes you have worn out.”~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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